Romeo is expecting good news from Verona but Balthasor tells him that Juliet is dead.  Romeo leaves Mantua to go back to Verona.  He has a plan to kill him self with Juliet.  Once Romeo reaches Verona he buys a death potion of the apothacary. Romeo gets to the tomb and tries opening it.  He is aproched by Paris and, Paris tries to arrest Romeo but they fight and Romeo kills him.  Romeo lays beside Juliet and takes the potion.  Friar Lawrence comes and finds Paris and Romeo dead Juliet awakens and is afriad of the kinsmen coming she sees Romeo's dagger and uses it to impale her self.  Then all of the family arrives and Friar Lawrwence explains Montague promices to build a golden statue of Juliet and Capulet a golden statue of Romeo.
    These star crossed lovers would rather die than be apart from each other.  None of this would of happend if the Montagues and Capulets got along or if the parents let thier kids make thier own decisions.

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    May 2012

