Romeo is expecting good news from Verona but Balthasor tells him that Juliet is dead.  Romeo leaves Mantua to go back to Verona.  He has a plan to kill him self with Juliet.  Once Romeo reaches Verona he buys a death potion of the apothacary. Romeo gets to the tomb and tries opening it.  He is aproched by Paris and, Paris tries to arrest Romeo but they fight and Romeo kills him.  Romeo lays beside Juliet and takes the potion.  Friar Lawrence comes and finds Paris and Romeo dead Juliet awakens and is afriad of the kinsmen coming she sees Romeo's dagger and uses it to impale her self.  Then all of the family arrives and Friar Lawrwence explains Montague promices to build a golden statue of Juliet and Capulet a golden statue of Romeo.
    These star crossed lovers would rather die than be apart from each other.  None of this would of happend if the Montagues and Capulets got along or if the parents let thier kids make thier own decisions.
Friar Lawrence and Paris are talking about the wedding plans and Friar tells Paris that he does not know her well enough to get married.  Juliet arrives and talks to Friar about how she will get out of the wedding, He proposes a herb potion that will make Juliet appear dead.  All the Capulets think the wedding will be a huge success.  But in reality Juliet wants to marry Romeo. 
    Juliet is all alone in her chamber and is debating whether or not to take the potion.  But after a little while she decides to take the potion for Romeo...
    Capulet is planning the wedding and sends Nurse to go get Juliet.  Once the Nurse arrives at Juliet's room she finds her dead. 
    Juliet does not want to marry Prince so she would fake her death to miss the wedding and then go away with Romeo.
    Tybalt is looking to fight Romeo.  They finally come together and Tybalt challenges him.  Romeo says he is not fighting; Mercutio steps up and fights Tybalt.  Romeo is trying to break up the fight and Tybalt wounds Mercrutio and he dies.  Romeo gets mad that he let Mercrutio do the fighting, so when Tybalt returns Romeo kills him.  The prince has heard what happened and exiles Romeo.
    The nurse appears and sees Tybalts corpse, she tells Juliet, but she interprets as Romeo has died.  But once the nurse clears it up that Tybalt is dead and Romeo was to blame.  Juliet kind of gets mad that Romeo killed her cousin but then defends him for doing what he needed to do.  The Nurse says she will arrange for Romeo to have a farewell visit before he is banished.

    On his way home from the Capulet’s feast Romeo hops the wall into the Capulet’s garden.
    Romeo sees Juliet in her window and is entranced by her beauty.  Romeo listens as Juliet says she love him.  Juliet is scared that Romeo might get caught, if Romeo is caught the will most likely be murdered.  They talk about being together and having secret love.  
    Romeo is talking to Friar and tells him that he has fallen in love with Juliet and he wants Friar to marry them.  Friar criticizes Romeo for jumping from Rosaline to Juliet so quickly.  Friar agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet because he believes their marriage will end the feud between the Montague’s and the Capulet’s.

Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet is a very interesting play.  There are many deep meaning to what is said.  For examply in the first scene Sampson and Gregory are talking about houw much they hate the Montagues and want to kill them.  During this conversation they talk about taking the virginity of the maidens.  Gregory and Sampson two Capulets encounter a confrintation between Abram and Balthasar, two Montagues, they make guestures.  These gestures are such as flicking thier thumbs from thier mouths.  Meaning the middle finger in todays talk.  Benvolio breaks up the fight then Tybalt calls him out to fight citezens demonstrate their hate of the battles between the Capulets and Montagues anhd say they dont even know why they are fighting any more.  During this scene there is a dirty deep meanins when a montagues refers to his 'Long Sword' meaning his man parts.  The prince breaks th fight up and tells them anymore fighting will result in death.

During all this Romeo is having trouble with love.  He is depressed so he made his room into a 'permenant night' his father does not know or understand what Romeo is going through.  So Romeo looks to the hand of Benvolio to help him through this difficult time.  Benvolio quickly figures out that Romeo is in love with Rosaline.  The Montagues figure out the is a feast party and they decide to go, not knowing whether it is for Capulets or Montagues.  Romeo doesn't want tp go because he wants his girl, but Benvolio tells Romeo he will meet someone even better if they go to the party.  Meanwhile at the Capulet house Juliet tells her mother she does not want to marry Paris, but she is told to consider him.

While at the party Romeo just falls inlove with Juliet before even knowing her name.  He kisses her and just instantly has romatic love.  Tybalt, Capulets nephew recognizes Romeo as bieng a Montague and becomes instantly enraged. Tybalts uncle stops him from doing anything crazy to ruin the party.  Romeo's love for Juliet is real, and not just based on physical image like he had with Rosaline.  Both Romeo and Juliet are wearing masks so they


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2012

