I am Rick Dowsett, I believe I am a forefront and background person.  I am confident when I speak in front of crowds.  I also do hard work behind the scenes, I make presentations usually on the computer and then present it.  So with these elements together it makes me a forefront and background person.

            No, I don’t work better under pressure, I feel the need to do things when I want to and not when people say.  Pressure does not work well for me.  I also usually don’t face pressure because when assigned a project, I will get it done so I don’t have to work later.

            Having creative and analytical thinking skills is great when doing work.  It helps come up with great ideas.  Coming up with lots of ideas is very helpful it gives more perspective for the task.  Analytic thinking is good because it makes you think realistically. 

  1. Who are you really?
  2. Do you know your friends?
  3. What do you like?
One of William Shaksperes most popular play is Romeo and Juliet.  This play has some vulgar statements that have a deeper meaning then they sound.  The play starts with Gregory and Sampson are talking about thier hate for the montagues.  And how they want to rape the women.  And all of a sudden Abram and Balthasar who are Montagues come face to face with Gregory and Sampson.  They talk and chirp each other then they want to fight.  Benvolio and Tybalt then  start to fight.  Citizens watch as the old and pointless hatred between the Capulets and Montagues continues.  The fight is broken up and they are all told if the fight again they will recieve the death penalty.
Romeo is having problems with love as he locks himself in his room and makes his room a 'permanent night'.  Romeo's father doesn't understand so Romeo talks it out with Benvolio.  Romeo tells Benvolio he is in love.
EnviroHELP is a group we created to help the enviroment and stop pollution.  We will help local and act global, by having litter squads who will pick up litter around the city.  Secondly we will plant trees annualy, to help take C02 out of the air.  Next we will have enviromental parades to help raise awareness to the locals.  Then we will host "EDTalks" (enviromental daily talk).  These talks will raise awareness and inform the peoples about EnviroHELP.  Lastly we will monitor the cirty air pollution and help reduce it. 
Author: Rick Dowstt & Myles Szucs